Ever wonder why when you meet certain people, you “click” instantly and when you meet others, they just rub you the wrong way for no apparent reason? It’s not personal – it’s personalities. We each have personality characteristics that make us shine and traits that annoy others. This material will help you maximize your strengths and minimize your potential weaknesses.
Each of us is a blend of different personality styles. As you take this assessment, you’ll discover your preferences. No one style is better than another. They’re just different. Each of us is one of a kind!
You’ll also learn to recognize the preferred personality profile of most everyone you meet…without having to say, “Here – take this test.” You’ll learn the “tells” that give each profile away. Things like:
- Pace of speech
- Body language
- Communication style
- Primary Strengths
- Work style
- Basis for making decisions
You’ll feel so smart understanding what makes other people tick! You’ll love learning how to get a great response from people with preferences different than yours. Learning about yourself and others will help you create win-win situations in every area of your life!
What’s included?
- The webinar, which can be downloaded and played on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
- The workbook, which includes the assessment and pages of material to help you learn about yourself and others.
Cost: $20.00
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the link to download the package does not appear in your email “In” box after completing your purchase, please check your “Junk” or “Spam” folder.