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“My Open Dates” Sheet (For an additional description of this form, see Part I – Early Lessons, of Makeup Optional and my “Bookings Mean Business” CD which is part of my Language of Success Series)
The easiest place to book parties is at parties. Never open your personal date book or planner at a party. Instead, use an Open Date sheet. In the left column (Day-Date) write the first five or six dates you are available to work. Put a star next to the dates which are really close (I use 10 days or less) and offer a little incentive for someone to “book in close.” Put your Open Dates sheet on a clipboard and attach a pencil (pencil is less intimidating than a pen) and offer your Open Dates sheet to each and every person at your show. One method would be to hand your Open Dates sheet to each customer as she checks out and say, “These are the dates I’m available. If one of them looks good to you, pencil in your name, phone number and best time to reach you.”