A new and improved outline!
Overcome information overload for more time, more balance and more money from your direct sales business. Your coach is Kimberly Medlock – Your Productivity and Direct Sales Expert
Ever feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of information coming at you? Feel overwhelmed with the stacks, piles and paper on your desk? Are you afraid to file things fearing “out of sight – out of mind?” Frustrated because you can’t find a system “that works” for you? Do get frustrated with the amount of time and energy you waste shuffling through the paper and piles looking for things you need? Leads, notes, receipts, newsletters, things to read, parties/show orders, flyers, forms, home office information, training materials … without a system you may find yourself routinely fighting the urge to blow-up, speed-up or maybe even give-up. If you have ever been frustrated with these issues, this is the teleclass you have been waiting for!
This is what you will learn:
- The 5 foundational truths you must understand about “getting organized” (otherwise, you will always struggle with organization)
- How your personality will influence your processes
- The 2 kinds of information you must have a system for
- The 3 simple questions you must ask for all incoming items so you can make the right decision about where it should go
- A step-by-step set-up guide for all of your files and folders
- How to set-up both paper and electronic filing systems for all of your training materials
- How to set-up a “workflow” system so you always know what needs your attention
- Extra tips and expert advice for organizing all of your electronic information and files
Imagine you more organized … more in-control and with more time and less hassle and less clutter. This session is guaranteed to help you make that happen!
This Tele-course is more than an hour of tips and organizational information and was originally recorded in August of 2011. This Self-Study Tele-course includes two specially designed handouts to help you organize your paperwork AND your computer files!
Cost: $47